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Non-state culture as a tool is especially necessary for dialogue with society in the post-Soviet space - for new transformations, rethinking tragic history, acquaintance with new vectors of European development.


The 180-degree turn is always difficult and critical, we believe that cultural programs can help our community to reshape, develop, expand boundaries and democratic thinking through honest dialogue, involvement, pluralism of ideas and opinions.




Culture, as well as many aspects of social life, is polarized and often politicized, there is a noticeable unification of themes in the region - when one grantor supports cultural initiatives, the diversity of opinions, formats and ideas is lost.

Нужны новые формы общения, вовлечение молодежи в создание арт-проектов и самостоятельных площадок для диалога, которые помогут пройти этот период преобразований.

We believe that it is the development of non-state culture that is needed, especially now.

New forms of communication are needed, the involvement of young people in the creation of art projects and independent platforms for dialogue, which will help to go through this period of transformations.


С 2017 года мы начали сотрудничество с Театром «Искатель» и независимыми театральными сообществами, актерами и режиссерами из разных стран Восточной Европы.

Каждый год мы организуем мастер-классы для местных театральных коллективов, приглашая профессиональных режиссеров и режиссеров. Это дает возможность повышать компетентность, приобретать новые знания, развивать имеющиеся актерские, режиссерские навыки, творческий опыт.

Together we create theatrical performances and plays. Each time, young people participating in the program choose exciting topics that are relevant for themselves and society, and the theatrical format makes it possible to openly reflect, while leaving the artistic value of the action:



ТРАХ-ТАХ-ТАХ [trah-tah-tah]


В основу постановки положено стихотворение «Двенадцать» Александра Блока, а также его лирика – о революции, обществе и свободе. Спектакль создан в авангардном духе перемен и стремлений, с поиском гуманного и «балаганом» идеалов и личностных характеристик.

Спектакль проходил в ранее заброшенном здании Даугавпилсской крепости в доме «за конем», так началось культурное оживление района, в котором сейчас расположены музей, художественная галерея и антикварный магазин.

Director: Yuri Losev, Eduard Belnikov





The source of inspiration for the young troupe was the playwright, prose writer, satirist, one of the most famous Polish writers in the world, Slawomir Mrozek, and this is how the performance in the genre of farce-absurdity appeared. After this premiere, all the actors themselves emigrated from the country (spoiler, but returned during the pandemic). At the same time, the purpose of the performance is not to go into reflection, but rather to ridicule the problem of migration, but try to accept it.

Жесткая и трагическая история о нашем обществе, которое постепенно тонет в демографическом кризисе и миграционных волнах.


И молодое поколение считает эту проблему одной из самых острых и важных. Герои пьесы пытаются выбрать того, кому предстоит «поднять страну с колен», но безрезультатно идут на дно своих эгоистических потребностей и страхов, не замечая, во что они превращаются. Такое общество более чем когда-либо нуждается в новом герое и пассионарии, в новом Христе, в новом Юзефе, в новом Карле, способном спасти от этой разрухи... Есть ли он среди нас?

Director: Eduard Belnikov, Yuri Losev

The theater workshops and the performance were created with the support of the Senate of Poland and the Fundacja Pomoc Polakom na Wschodzie




We dreamed of such a program for several years and in 2020 we finally launched Hi! Story in Latvia.

This is an urban orientation game. Our task is to tell about the unknown and very different history of the city, region and country.

In Latvia, many topics remain outside the brackets of public discussions, and we did not manage to develop traditions of memory and pride in our local history. When we started making a program about Daugavpils, we really wanted to tell about the great people of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, who created new languages, new countries, new philosophies, created new music, were great scientists, famous artists and writers. We wanted to tell you about Fitelbg, Kuk, Ben Yehuda, Shapiro, Strok, Plater ... after all, their names in their real homeland are not called city streets, they do not erect monuments to them, and often they are not told about them in schools.

We want to show the diverse, multinational history of our region, to acquaint with the incredible stories of different people who changed the world, and most importantly to inspire. We want to show that we are all the same innovators and can continue to bring new forms of art to the world and to invent, be different and unique. We want to be proud of our history, no matter how difficult it is.

Hi!Story is rogaining, teams of 2 or more can participate. Participants can travel by any type of transport - on foot, by bicycle, car or public transport. The game has become an excellent quarantine time format - all teams play on the street, participants' contacts are minimized, since all tasks are read through QR codes.

During the quest, the goal of the participants is not only to find an object located on the map and get to it, but also to answer questions, complete tasks that are most often related to culture and history, for each completed task and the correct answer, participants receive points. During the game, participants in a game form learn facts about culture, historical events, traditions, art, great people who contributed to the development of the region, country, Europe, and the world.

Each time we choose new topics for researching history:


В игре приняли участие более 30 команд (более 120 участников), команды из Минска, США, Курземе, Видземе и Латгале - дети, молодежь, взрослые, пенсионеры и даже несколько собак!


Explore Latgale!


The start of the program was in the creative quarter on Saules Street. In 2021, together with dozens of activists and NGOs from Daugavpils, we began a long journey to create an art center for culture and education in an old building complex in the center of Daugavpils. More here:

The program is organized as part of the Gostūs Latgolā festival, in honor of the 5th anniversary of Šmakovkas Muzejs. The program was supported by the Daugavpils Tourist Information Center and the Latgale Region Development Agency, the State Cultural Capital Fund, Latvijas valsts meži.


On July 31, 2021, we introduced the residents and guests of Daugavpils to the history and culture of Latgale. We told about our region: traditions, language, history, cultural heritage, great and outstanding natives and inhabitants of Latgale - scientists, artists, painters, musicians, poets, architects, athletes, politicians. They were Jews, Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Latgalians, Germans, Latvians. They created art and new countries, made discoveries in science, were military men and writers, and now you will learn more interesting facts about them and discover Latgale in a new way.



Night city game


In September 2021, the game Hi!Story America was played.
Find out more about the unknown pages of Latvian and American history. About outstanding Americans who were born in Latvia, American traditions, interesting and unexpected facts from history and culture.

The program was supported by the US Embassy in Riga

More than 30 teams (over 120 participants), teams from Minsk, USA, Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Latgale - children, youth, adults, seniors and even a few dogs took part in the game!



Выходи искать историю!


Латгалия – это край контрастов, место, где одновременно сосуществуют множество культур, традиций и религий. Цикл направлен на то, чтобы лучше узнать разнообразные культуры и традиции региона, стать чуточку ближе за общим «онлайн-столом».



Together with Diana Soldane (coordinator of the Daugavpils application for the status of the European Capital of Culture in 2027), we prepared a traditional dish - klimpas.


They also talked about the preservation of the Latgalian language and traditions at home, the application of Daugavpils and all of Latgale for the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2027.



Вместе с Дианой Солдане (координатор заявки  Даугавпилса на статус Культурной столицы Европы в 2027 году) мы приготовили традиционное блюдо - "климпас".


Она рассказала об обычаях и культуре в своей семье, рассказала о планах и работе в Даугавпилсском театре, а также о рецепте необычной шарлотки, которую мы вместе приготовили.



В этом выпуске программы мы поговорили с Миленой Савкиной, актрисой Даугавпилсского театра, руководителем театральной группы в центре польской культуры. Она представительница польской культуры в Латгалии.



На протяжении сотен лет еврейская культура была неотъемлемой частью региона. Мы пригласили на нашу кухню Элину Васильеву, декана гуманитарного факультета Даугавпилсского университета, чтобы научиться готовить меорав иерушалми, а также услышать ее историю, узнать больше о еврейской культуре и традициях в регионе, а также о выдающихся еврейских ученых из Даугавпилсского университета.


presenter: Joren Dobkiewicz

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